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"Auntie, is it ok to have a burger without flies?" - Eric, Asante 4

"Auntie, let me tell you. You were born and one cheek was brown and one was white, and then you didn't turn all brown, you turned all white! That is why you are a muzungu." - Esther, ACC 35

"Are strawberries a berry?" - Deborah, ACC 35

Me: "Children, do you know any Christmas songs?"
Ivy: "Oh yes! (sings) Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!"

"Auntie let me spell for you the word 'pizza'.  P-I-Z-Z-L-A." - Esther, ACC 35

"I can't hear you! My eyes are plugged!" - Priscillah, ACC 35

"Auntie, me I am brown like you!" -Esther, ACC 35

"Auntie don't catch my hand or I will get you with my teeth and I haven't brushed my teeth for thirty years." - Priscillah, ACC 35

"Can I heat the hair ed in my runchabre?" - Charity, ACC 35 (bonus points for ploper tlansrating!)

"Auntie you thought it rained water in Ketchikan, but really it rained cans! So that the people can catch a can! Then they give them to us for can dance.  You see?" - Deborah, ACC 35

"I hided them and you founded them!" - Stella, ACC 35

"You see even my ear is hot.  Because of laughing! Even I am clying!" - Priscillah ("L" vs. "R"), ACC 35

"If you don't eat you will grow small." - Peace, ACC 35

"I've got peace like a liver in my soul..." - Charity ("L" vs. "R"), ACC 35

"That's instressting." - Deborah, ACC 35

"Then we hided on them!" -Stella, ACC 35

On Mother's Day, Esther (ACC 35):
"Auntie, did you get a gift?"
"But Auntie, why? You are a mother!"

"Auntie, my favorite color is yellow because it is bright and red." - Grace, ACC 35

"In Kenya we swim in the liver!" - Deborah (The ongoing battle of "L" vs. "R"), ACC 35

"If you catch the water, the fish will spank you!" - Stella, ACC 35

"Auntie I can hear the smell of sugar!" - Esther, ACC 35

"Auntie, today your hair is crawly." - Naomi, ACC 35

"Are you fine?" - Alex, ACC 35

"I see Jesus in Benson because he has a nice giggle." - Brian, ACC 35

"Ahhh it is a miracle! At 5:00 God said 'Let it be dark!' and it is!" - Ivy, ACC 35

"Can you tell me what time it is?" 
"It's... two little, two little dots, nine, eleven, eleven, nine, one one, dots, two dots, nine eleven... it's nine twelve." - Stella, ACC 35

"I want to pray with connect four." - Charity ("L" vs. "R"), ACC 35

"When I grow up I want to be a Pirate." - John ("L" vs. "R"), ACC 35

"Good morning Auntie, I want to sleep again..." - Priscillah, ACC 35

"Come and you hear - something is smelling!" - Rogers, ACC 35

"Let love leach to the other side." - Ivy ("L" vs. "R"), ACC 35