Yesterday was one of the greatest days I've had in a while - and mind you, the past few weeks things have been really good.
The family that I am staying with has a cabin on Hayden Lake in Idaho and yesterday we all went up for some fun on the water. It is so interesting to watch these girls come out of their shells - to see them interact in a different environment, away from the rest of the choir, with new people, new surroundings, and new things - like tubing. yes. It was fantastic.
I had with me Priscilla, Eunice, and Deborah, and throughout the course of the day there were transformations in Eunice & Priscilla - especially Eunice. Let me give a little breakdown on their personalities:
Deborah: Fearless. This girl would jump from a plane if you told her it was fun. She's awesome.
Priscilla: The youngest of the three - often plays the "I'm so adorable" card - and she is so adorable. A little shy, though I think it's part of the cute card :)
Eunice: Strong, but timid. If that makes sense? haha. Hesitant. Kind. Lovely.
So we began the day at the lake. The girls had life jackets on, Priscilla was content to stay on the dock, Deborah was in the water before we knew it, and Eunice stood on the edge of the dock fearful that her life jacket would sink. With some coaxing, she and Priscilla slowly climbed down the ladder into the water and began swimming around like four-legged octopuses, not sure of what to do with their arms and feet. Deborah, the confident dare devil, was giving swimming lessons to the other two, convincing them that their life jackets were indeed always going to float, to kick with their legs, and paddle with their arms. Her confidence leaked onto them like oil leaks out of my car onto the driveway. By the end of the day the three of them had jumped off the dock, swam for so long their lips turned blue, gone on a boat, went tubing, and got thrown off the tube - to which they laughed and screamed and cried "again! again!" (we thought they'd freak. As soon as we watched them flip I stood on the side of the boat frantically ready to dive in after them, not that I thought they'd be hurt, but because I thought they'd be freaked... they weren't, they loved it). SO.... yeah. We had a blast.
Here are some pics from the day.