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answers to prayer


It's no secret that I lived in Haiti - and while I was there I saw a lot of things (if you want to know about any of it, let me know, I'll tell you. but you'll have to ask me to stop eventually, because I have a lot to say).

Poverty, brokenness, poor health, terrible living conditions, these all within feet or inches of me - always. Specifically the Saline. On the Saline there was a house with a man in it who was elderly, physically broken, and in need of serious medical care. My neighbor, Beth, and I visited often and she (a nurse) would do her best to help him, but her skills were limited for his needs. On one visit, I knelt down and prayed with the man that he would receive medical attention.

Someone took this picture of me praying and talking with him:

Today, I was looking at random pictures of La Gonave on google images, and I stumbled across this picture, taken on April 9, 09 (so says the stamp) - I left Haiti on April 1. Three weeks after I prayed with him.

The prayers of both Beth and I were answered in this picture, and I am blessed and elated that I found it!!!
The power of prayer... my oh my.


  1. I love this!!! Such a great testimony and answer to prayer. God is doing great things things even when we are unaware....

  2. Wow! That's amazing! Been thinking about you and the people of Haiti today. Praying.

  3. Amy, I just stumbled upon your blog when I was reading the Alumni Newsletter from BBC, and I am so blessed by this story! What an incredible testimony of God's hand at work! Thank-you for sharing this! Miss you, and think of you often! <3
